Friday, May 26, 2017

Smart ForTrack?

I came across this and think it is really cool. It is ForTrack. There are drawings and photos at It shows the varied designs that was considered.

It was posted on Smart Car of America forum, it indicated it was a student design. It was taken from the Smart Club Forum. I think it was really well done.

There is a post at Foro Smart Forum. There is a great photo of the ForTrack (posted below).

I think this would be really cool if it was at tack where one can drive them. It would be even cooler to be able to buy one so one can not only drive them on a track but also around on the roads. 

This is the photo from the Foro Smart Forum. I think that looks really nice.

home site of Smart in the USA;
As a note, I think it is dumb for Smart to not sell the Forfour in the US and dumber for Smart to stop selling the gas powered Fortwo after 2017. 

a guy who is a fan of Goofy who is big

photos of my art on items for sale.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Tow Sport; Smart Camper Trailer?

I read an article at the New Atlas site about the Tow Sport trailer. It is small and compact. It looks like it could be towed by a Smart Fortwo. The photos show how compact the trailer is yet versatile.

The images above are from the New Atlas article. There are way more at the site and I would recommend reading the article.

The Tow Sport web site has more information on it plus accessories. I will be checking it out more. 

my site on me

my art printed on items

Thursday, May 11, 2017

R.Q.Riley Trimuter using Smart Car Parts?

I think the Trimuter from R. Q. Riley is really neat. It has a nice design. It might be have some stability problems with a trike design but could be stable depending on the design. It reminds me of a concept design by GM many years ago.

Since the Smart Fortwo is a rear engine rear wheel drive vehicle and since this Trimuter is also a rear engine rear wheel drive design, I wonder if the Smart car can be used as a donor car in making the three wheel vehicle? Since they are plans and not a kit car with parts, perhaps it could be adapted for the Fortwo parts? (just thinking out loud what could be done using a Smart Fortwo).

I like how it opens up. It might not be good when it rains or snows but still cool.

I like the pop up lights. 

I think it opens in a really cool way. 

(photos are from the R. Q. Riley site for the Trimuter).

I doubt any would use a Smart as a donor car for a Trimuter but I think someone could. I like to think of the possibilities. 

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Three Wheel Smart Fortwo?

I was online doing Google searching for something else and came across this three wheel version of the Smart Fortwo. It looks really neat. It is at the Freaking News site. It might be a 'photo shopped' picture but it looks like it could be done.
I am not sure what they would do with the radiator and other items that are in the front but it does seem like something that is doable. I have seen other similar city cars with a trike arrangement.