Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The Tesla 'Smart Car'? - a New Tesla Small Electric Vehicle

 There is an article by Auto Car Co UK about a possible small electric car by Tesla to be made in China but sold worldwide. I found the article to be really interesting. 

Per the article (linked above), it is to be designed in China and to be sold worldwide. I think that is a good idea for the Chinese market and for the Asian market. I think if they want one for the US market and the America's market, it should be designed in the USA and built in the USA. I think having it designed in the USA and having it made in the USA would make it more appealing. It would fit in with the 'made in the USA' trend that many want to follow. 

With so many small cars no longer be sold in the USA, I wonder if there is or was a market for small cars. It seems most in the USA prefer bigger cars; like in SUV's and trucks. With current situations (perhaps what they are could be another post?) and the possibility of gas prices going up, there might be a trend toward electric cars and smaller vehicles (hoping that trend includes hydrogen fuel cell cars but that is for another post). 

The photo is copied from the article linked above. 

It was designed for Tesla but I think it would also be a cool design for a future Smart ED. It appears to be a two door vehicle. It is longer than the Fortwo which I think make it more appealing the than the two seater from Smart. This design could be big enough for a back but it is not easy to tell by this design. 

I wonder if it could be expanded to have four doors like the ForFour by Smart (the version that never came to the USA but that is another story and heart ache). Since we won't really know the design of the car till it is done, we won't know if it could be expanded.

I wonder if it could be adapted to be a roadster (like the roadster that Smart never brought to the USA - also another story and another heartache). Perhaps at least a convertible with the top going down where the back seat (assuming it has a back seat) would be? Like the previous paragraph, we won't really know what the design is till it is completed and the winning choice is chosen. 

Per the article (linked above), the car might look quite differently than shown. One can only speculate on what it will look like. I am looking forward to how it would look and how it compares to the design in the article. I think there are some very creative people out there. 

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